I am interested in intrinsic rhythmic activity in the human brain and how this might help us to understand natural spoken language. We have recently shown that each brain area has its own characteristic mix of intrinsic rhythms. On the other hand, speech is also nearly-rhythmic on several different timescales (words, syllables, etc). How our intrinsic brain rhythms can capitalise on speech rhythms to support speech comprehension is therefore a highly interesting question that can teach us more about functional brain mechanisms. I use magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG), and metrics such as mutual information and phase coherence.
Research Themes:
Individual differences and neural mechanisms of speech perception,Analysis of speech signals,Functional (oscillatory) organisation of the brain,Individual differences and neural mechanisms of lip reading
Key Publications:
Morillon B, Arnal LH, Schroeder CE & Keitel A (2019). Prominence of delta oscillatory rhythms in the motor cortex and their relevance for auditory and speech perception. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 107.
Keitel A, Gross J, Kayser C (2018). Perceptually relevant speech tracking in auditory and motor regions reflects distinct linguistic features. PLoS Biology, 16(3).
Keitel A, Ince RAA, Gross J, Kayser C (2017). Auditory cortical delta-entrainment interacts with oscillatory power in multiple fronto-parietal networks. NeuroImage, 147.
Keitel A, Gross J (2016). Individual human brain areas can be identified from their characteristic spectral activation fingerprints. PLoS Biology, 14(6).
2019 – Dr Johanna Rimmele. Project: Spectral fingerprints in the blind and sighted. MPI for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany.
2018 – Dr Bo Yao. Project: Tracking inner speech in silent reading. University of Manchester, UK.
2018 – Dr Benjamin Morillon. Project: Slow oscillations in the motor cortex. Aix Marseille University, Inserm, INS, Marseille, France.
2017 – Prof Nathan Weisz, Project: Visual speech perception in healthy and deaf individuals. University of Salzburg, Austria.
2015 – Prof Joachim Gross. Project: Spatial frequency gradients of brain oscillations. Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis, University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany.