Dr Tanja Gagliardi
Dr Paola Galdi
School of InformaticsUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Machine Learning, Image analysis, Neuroinformatics, Predictive Classification, Structural imaging, Diffusion imaging, Functional MRI (fMRI), Image processing, Neurodevelopment -
Miss Claire Gallagher
Dr Chuang Gao
Dr Glen Gardner
Clinical Research CentreNinewells Hospital -
Miss Divya Garg
School of Psychological Sciences and HealthUniversity of Strathclyde -
Miss Elena Gelibter
Alastair Gemmell
Nuclear Medicine & PET, Gartnavel General HospitalNHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde -
Mr Elmergue Germano
Dr Elena Gheorghiu
PsychologyUniversity of Stirling -
Dr Elena Gherri
Miss Janhavi Ghosalkar
Mario Ettore Giardini
School of Science and EngineeringUniversity of Dundee -
Miss Ylenia Giarratano
Mr Samuel Gibbon
Centre for Clinical Brain ScienceUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Retinal image analysis -
Dr Lorna Gibson
Clinical RadiologyNHS LothianKeywords: CT, Evidence Based Radiology, Meta-analysis, Neuroradiology, Radiology -
Professor Des Gibson
Mr Matthew Gil
Ms Lynne Gilfillan
Mr Sarah Catherine Gillard
Dr Gerry Gillen
Nuclear Medicine and PET-CT, West Glasgow -
Miss Hannah Gilman
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging Institute of Neuroscience and PsychologyThe University of GlasgowKeywords: Ageing, EEG, ERP -
Dr William Gilmour
Mr Arthur Ginsburg
Mr Spiros Gkikas
Andreas Glatz
Dr Keith Goatman
Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd. -
Miss Maria Goni
Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging CenterCollege of Life Science and MedicineKeywords: Ageing, Cerebral atrophy, Diffusion imaging, Functional Connectivity, Functional MRI (fMRI), Image analysis, Image processing, MRI pulse sequences, Perfusion imaging (CT and MR), Predictive Classification, Structural imaging, White matter disease -
Dr Zaniah Gonzalez
Dr Victor Gonzalez Castro
Neuroimaging Scielces -
Professor Igor Goryanin
Ms Xanthippi Gounari
Dr Elvina Gountouna
Centre for Genomic and Experimental MedicineInstitute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of EdinburghKeywords: Bipolar disorder, Depression, Functional MRI (fMRI), Language, Psychiatry, Schizophrenia, Multicentre studies -
Professor Alan Gow
Department of PsychologyHeriot-Watt UniversityKeywords: Ageing -
Kirsten Graham
Dr Calum Gray
Keywords: CT, Cardiac imaging, Cardiovascular Imaging, Image analysis, Image processing, Image segmentation, Large animal imaging, Medical visualization, MRS, Molecular Imaging, Muscle Imaging and Measurement, Novel imaging methods, Oncologic Imaging, PET, Physics, Preclinical Imaging, Radiology, Retinal imaging, Structural imaging -
Dr Jenna Gregory
Mr Karmjit Grewal
Dr David Griffith
Professor Iris Grunwald
IGTRF Director, Chair Neuroradiology -
Ms Marta Guarisco
Miss Federica Guazzo
PsychologyThe University of Edinburgh -
Dr Shajan Gunamony
Dr Prasad Guntur Ramkumar
Mr Tirtha Gurung
Hume Research Ltd -
Mr Anis Guweidhi