Mr Febrian Rachmadi
Mr Marcin Radecki
Department of PsychologyUniversity of Edinburgh -
Dr Aleksandra Radjenovic
Ms Emma Rait
Dr Sankaranarayanan Ramachandran
Stroke/NeurologyNeurologyKeywords: CT, Diffusion imaging, Functional MRI (fMRI), Image analysis, Lacunar stroke, Neurology, Neuroradiology, Perfusion imaging (CT and MR), Stroke, Database, Evidence Based Radiology, Microvascular MRI -
Mr Dylan Ramage
Dr Arnab Rana
Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging CentreUniversity of AberdeenKeywords: Ageing, Alzheimer's, Cerebral atrophy, DTI-tractography, Dementia, Diffusion imaging, Functional MRI (fMRI), Image analysis, Lacunar stroke, Language, Leukoaraiosis, Meta-analysis, Multicentre studies, Neurology, Neuroradiology, Perfusion imaging (CT and MR), Preclinical Imaging, Psychiatry, Radiology, Stroke, Structural imaging, TBI, Translational Imaging, Thrombolysis, White matter disease -
Dr Surajit Ray
School of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of Glasgow -
Dr Paul Rea
Dr Arran Reader
PsychologyUniversity of StirlingKeywords: body representation, movement, social interaction, transcranial magnetic stimulation -
Professor Tom Redpath
Miss Holly Redpath
Dr Parminder Singh Reel
Miss Sonia Rehman
Miss Victoria Reid
Dr Marc Reid
Ms Rebecca Reid
Professor Andrew Reilly
Dr Gabriel Reines March
ICAMS (University of Glasgow)Keywords: Retinal imaging, Deep Learning, Image analysis, Small vessel disease -
Dr Islem Rekik
Mr Christopher Rennie
Alexia Revueltas
Moray House of Education - Centre for Digital EducationUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: EEG, Executive Function, Attention -
Mr Craig Rhodes
Miss Daniela Ribeiro
Miss Louise Richardson
Mr Hamish Richardson
Dr Philip Riches
Dr Colin Rickman
Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and BioengineeringHeriot-Watt UniversityKeywords: Molecular Imaging -
Dr John Riddell
Miss Keelin Ridge
Valentina Rinnoci
Dr Stuart Ritchie
Prof Craig Ritchie
Ms Dawn Rivard
Professor Neil Roberts
Clinical Research Imaging CenterUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Fetal and Child development, Muscle Imaging and Measurement -
Mr Gavin Robertson
Centre for Clinical Brain SciencesUniversity of Edinburgh and OptosKeywords: Image analysis, Image processing -
Christine Robertson
Dr David Robertson
Mr Fraser Robinson
Dr Jamie Robinson
Mr Andrew Robson
Dr Siân Robson
Institute of Genetics and Molecular MedicineCentre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine -
Mr Matteo Rochon Cocchiara
Dr Martina Rodie
Child HealthUniversity of Glasgow -
Dr Giles Roditi
RadiologyGlasgow Royal InfirmaryKeywords: CT, Cardiovascular Imaging, Carotid Doppler ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound, Evidence Based Radiology, Image analysis, Image processing, Lung Imaging, Microvascular MRI, Perfusion imaging (CT and MR), Radiology, Stroke -
Dr David Rodriguez Gonzalez
School of InformaticsData Intensive Research Group at CISA (Informatics), SBIRC (DCN)Keywords: Data protection, Parallel computing -
Miss Claire Rogers
Mr Simon Rohrbach
Ms Lesley-Anne Rollins
Dr Liana Romaniuk
Division of PsychiatryKeywords: Bipolar disorder, Depression, Functional Connectivity, Functional MRI (fMRI), Psychiatry, Schizophrenia -
Miss Carla Romano
Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of StrathclydeKeywords: CT, Image processing, Image analysis, PET -
Daniela Romero
Ballater Medical -
Dr Joost Rommers
Mr Liam Rooney
Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical SciencesUniversity of Strathclyde -
Ms Michelle Rooney
Dr James Ross
Biomedical PhysicsUniversity of AberdeenKeywords: Field-cycling, MRI hardware, MRI pulse sequences, NMR relaxometry -
Mrs Siobhan Ross
Dr Nicolás Rubido
Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical BiologyKeywords: Physics, Time series analyses, Image analysis, Functional Connectivity, Statistics, Functional MRI (fMRI), EEG, Simulation -
Dr Kenneth Ruddock
Mr Sam Rupprechter
Institute for Adaptive and Neural ComputationUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Depression, Functional MRI (fMRI), Image processing, Psychiatry, Statistics -
Dr Elena Rusconi