Mr Abdullah Habib
Dr Tina Habota
Professor Donald Hadley
Regional Department of Clinical NeuroradiologyThe Institute of Neurological SciencesKeywords: Neuroradiology -
Miss Michelle Haglund
University of Edinburgh -
Miss Kate Haining
School of Psychology and Neuroscience -
Mr Khalid Hakami
Jeremy Hall
Dr Pauline Hall Barrientos
MRINHS Glasgow -
Miss Charlene Hamid
Imaging and AnalysisUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Alzheimer's, Ageing, Dementia, Image analysis, Multicentre studies, Memory, Neurology, Stroke, White matter disease, PET, Microvascular MRI -
Olivia Hamilton
Centre for Clinical Brain SciencesUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Ageing, Dementia, Lacunar stroke, White matter disease, Imaging biomarkers -
Fraser Hamilton
Professor Peter Hancock
PsycholgyUniversity of StirlingKeywords: Memory, Image processing -
Mr Jonny Hancox
Healthcare & Life SciencesNVIDIAKeywords: Image processing, Image analysis, Parallel computing -
Dr Philip Hands
Miss Katie Hanna
Miss Katie Hanna
Miss Bailey Harrington
MRC Human Genetics UnitInstitute of Genetics and Molecular MedicineKeywords: Image analysis, Image processing, Parallel computing -
Professor Julie Harris
Miss Rebecca Hart
Monika Harvey
School of Psychology and NeuroscienceUniversity of Glasgow -
Dr Laura Hay
Design, Manufacture & Engineering ManagementUniversity of Strathclyde -
Miss Sophie Haynes
Mr Robbie Haynes
Dr Jiabao He
Miss Jiahui He
Moira Henderson
Brain Research Imaging CentreUniversity of Edinburgh -
Mr Michael Hendry
Mr Ben Hicks
Jon Hill
Dr Robin Hill
Dr Lizzie Hill
Elena Hindinger
Genes - Circuits - BehaviourMax Planck Institute for Neurobiology, MunichKeywords: Depression, Preclinical Imaging, Molecular Imaging -
Dr Edmond Shu Lim Ho
School of Computing ScienceUniversity of GlasgowKeywords: Human Movement Analysis, Neurological Disoprders, Cerebral Palsy, General Movement Assessment, 3D Motion Capture, 2D Pose Estimation -
Ms Josephine Hoare
Dr Paul Hoffman
PsychologyUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Language, Semantic Memory, Functional MRI (fMRI) -
Miss Jennifer Hogg
Mr Tristan Hollyer
Dr William Holmes
Institute of Neuroscience & PsychologyUniversity of Glasgow -
Professor Megan Holmes
Miss Helen Honeyman
Miss Sujin Hong
Dr James Hopgood
School of Engineering, University of EdinburghInstitute for Digital Communications -
Professor Karen Horsburgh
Dr Clare Hoskins
Pure and Applied ChemistryUniversity of Strathclyde -
Mr Kismet Hossain-Ibrahim
Mr Lewis Hou
Dr Ben Hourahine
Professor Graeme Houston
Medical Research InstituteUniversity of dundee -
Miss Yiling Hu
Professor Zhihong Huang
School of Science and EngineeringUniversity of dundeeKeywords: Ultrasound, Translational Imaging, Structural imaging, Preclinical Imaging, Oncology, Image analysis -
Dr Dave Hughes
Institute of Thin Films, Sensors & ImagingUniversity of West of Scotland -
Dr Robert Humphreys
Mr Hamza Hussaini
Dr Sharon Hutchison
Mr George Hyde-Linaker