Mr Sakrapee Paisalnan
Mrs Meg Pajak
Ms Kalyani Pandya
Centre of Cardiovascular SciencesUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Positron Emission Tomography Preclinical Imaging Cardiac Imaging -
Miss Andreea Pantiru
Katerina Pappa
College of Medical, Veterinary & Life SciencesHealth and WellbeingKeywords: Functional MRI (fMRI), Memory, Executive Function -
Dr Richard Papworth
Mr Jehill Parikh
Dr Joanne Park
Psychology, School of Natural SciencesUniversity of StirlingKeywords: EEG, ERP, Memory -
Dr Marie-Claire Parker
Stratified Medicine Scotland Innovation Centre -
Dr Lynn Paterson
Miss Samantha Paterson
Dr Vivek Pattan
Mrs Joy Paul
Mr Nicholas Payne
Miss Emma Pead
Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences (CCBS)The University of EdinburghKeywords: Alzheimer's, Ageing, Image analysis, Image processing, Predictive Classification, Statistics -
Dr Enrico Pellegrini
Miss Georgia Pender
Dr Raimondo Penta
School of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of Glasgow -
Dr Alessandro Perelli
Biomedical EngineeringUniversity of Dundee - School of Science and EngineeringKeywords: Artificial Intelligence, CT, Deep Learning, Image processing, Machine Learning, Novel imaging methods, Oncologic Imaging, Radiology -
Dr Alessandro Perelli
Miss Elena Perna
Mr Andrea Peroni
Dr Antonios Perperidis
Mr Michael Perrins
Mr Jason Perry
Mr Bjorn Persson
Mr Lubomir Petrow-Pahuta
Clinical Research Imaging FacilityClinical Research Centre -
Professor Bill Phillips
Miss Su Myat Phyu
Biomedical Physics and EngineeringUniversity of AberdeenKeywords: Molecular Imaging, Oncologic Imaging -
Dr Laura Pidgeon
Institute of Health & WellbeingUniversity of GlasgowKeywords: Ageing, Bipolar disorder, Depression, Episodic memory, Functional Connectivity, Functional MRI (fMRI), Structural imaging -
Mr Sankar Pillai
Medical PhysicsNinewells Hospital & Medical School -
Dr Karin Pilz
School of PsychologyAberdeen University -
Dr Sally Pimlott
Department of Clinical PhysicsGreater Glasgow and Clyde NHSKeywords: Chemistry, Nuclear Medicine, PET, Radiochemistry, Novel Radiotracers, SPECT -
Miss Zuzana Pinkosova
Miss Zuzana Pinkosova
Computer & Information SciencesKeywords: Database, EEG, ERP, Neurology -
Dr Monica Piras
School of Medical Sciences, University of AberdeenInstitute of Medical Sciences -
Dr Andrea Pisauro
Ms Vanessa Pitz
Institute of Neuroscience and PsychologyUniversity of GlasgowKeywords: SPECT, Statistics, Neurology, PET, Meta-analysis -
Miss Yvonne Plenderleith
Miss Kira Plettl
Miss Rachaita Podder
Dr Anna Podlasek
Miss Anna Podlasek
Professor Frank Pollick
Mr Aleksej Polpudenko
Dr Marlene Poncet
Dr Ian Poole
Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems Europe -
Dr Christophe Portal
Edinburgh Molecular Imaging -
Professor David Porter
Mr James Porter
Centre for Medical InformaticsUniversity of EdinburghKeywords: Retinal imaging, fundus, OCT, dementia -
Dr Douglas Potter
School of PsychologyUniversity of DundeeKeywords: Cognitive Control, Schizophrenia, TBI, EEG, ERP -
Dr Mamta Pradhan
Charlotte Primeau
Dr Linda Provan
Dr Stefan Pulver