Successful Horizon 2020 bid

Professor Matteo Zanda, who has a Chair in Medical Technologies at the University of Aberdeen, will lead on the EU project entitled “PET Imaging in drug design and development” (PET3D)

Paper highlighted in CHEMISTRY and INDUSTRY

SINAPSE student Adele Blair and colleagues Filip Zmuda, Gaurav Malviya, Adriana Tavares, Gilles Tamagnan, Anthony Chalmers, Deborah Dewar, Sally Pimlott and Andrew Sutherland have had their recent paper (Chem. Sci., …more

Junior Group Leader position: PET/MRI

The Beatson Institute provides an outstanding research environment underpinned by state-of-the-art core services and advanced technologies. We have recently expanded our interest in pre-clinical imaging with the purchase of a …more

Medical imaging exhibition in Edinburgh

Striking medical images, including products of SINAPSE research, are featured in an exhibition at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Bioquarter campus at Little France. The outdoor exhibition …more

PhD studentship in Manchester

For details of this project with Dr Julian Matthews in Manchester go to The deadline for application is 17 July 2015. , The deadline for application is 17 July …more